Snehapanam (Pre-purifier)

                          Snehapanam (Pre-purifier)

Ayurveda, the rishi medicinal science is basically a treatment branch with very special treatment diversities. Sneha Panam is one of the best curing method of Ayurveda and it’s very special in every aspect. As a curative way Sneha Panam gives relax for certain body ailments and besides it’s a nourishing treatment. Medicated Ghee is the main product using for Sneha Panam. In Panchakarma the Sneha Panam plays an important part. Sneha Panam can be defined as the administration of medicated ghee. While preparing Panchakarma, the medicated ghee or Sneha Panam takes relevance, because without Sneha Panam, there is no entity for Panchakarma. The selected ghee is given to patients. The amount of the Sneha Panam can be vary or different as per the health of the patient. In accordance to the digestive power of the patient the ghee is givens. It effects the entire digestive system. The Sneha Panam consuming quantity would be changed or increased as per the capacity of the digestive system. The quantity will be increase. It’s on daily basis up to 300ml. But it has certain restriction especially to the period of Sneha Panam consuming. It must be take the timing only for maximum 7 days.

Snehapanam is a therapeutic measure in Ayurveda, characterized by the oral intake of medicated ghee made from cow's milk for internal purification before doing the Panchakarma therapy. It is recommended for patients with conditions such as neurological ailments, gastroenterological illness, arthritis, chronic constipation, psoriasis, and others. It cures neurological problems, skin diseases like psoriasis, peptic ulcer, urinary disorders.

One day before the actual administration of snehapana(internally),the concerned individual should be given food in the moderate quantity. The food should be liquid, hot and anabhishyandi(free from stickyness,etc),that does not cause avarodha/obstruction to the channel of circulation(srothas).
The food should be Drava(liquid), ushna (hot), pramana (proper quantity),not snigdha(excess),Asamkirna (Avirudha veerya) and one should not consume food quickly or slowly.Food should be taken calmly (without talking,should not laugh while taking food,and one should take the food, which is favorable and conductive to his body constitution (saatmyahara).

Before initiating the snehapana always check the all emergency and routine things.because in an emergency situation some times it may not poosible to get the required drugs,etc.Further all anupana dravya like ushna jala/hot water,yusha etc.should be kept ready.
since snehapana in certain individual may cause some complaints,especially such drugs which control               these effects should be kept ready.(if required).

some of the complaints are:
Agnimandya (indigetion)-Hinguvachadi                       vati,chitrakadi vati.
Arochaka (anorexia) -Ashtachurna,etc
Sula (pain)- Shanka basma,etc
Bhrama (giddiness)-Pravala pishti,etc
Murcha -Kamadugdha ras,etc.
and medicines required for vamana and virechana.

·         Medicated Ghee or oil according to the requirement.
·         Measuring glass.
·         Hot water drinking.(boiled with Shundi+ Dhanyaka).

·         indukantham ghritham
·         Gulgulu thikthakam ghritham.
·         Mahatikthakam ghritham.
·         Sukumara ghritham.
·         Ksheera bala tailam.
·         Dhanwantaram tailam,etc.

·         Ayurvedic Physician: 1
·         Attendant/ Nurse: 1

Four types of Snehapana dosage schedules  are indicated-

1.     Pravara Matra-Sneha digest in 24 hrs.
2.     Madhyama Matra- Sneha digest in 12 hours.
3.     Avara Matra - digest in 6hrs.
4.     Hrasiyasi Matra with arohana krama-digest in minutes

These to be fixed,keeping in view the various factors like state of agni, clinical condition, Prakruti of patient,etc.and aim of snehapana.
Minimum dosage for snehapana is approximately 50ml,this can be increased gradually by 25 or 30ml every day for 3,5,and 7 days desired by the physician. 

Snehapanam, done once a day on an empty stomach, is usually continued for 3 to 7 days depending on the type of illness. The exact duration and type of ghee to be used are decided by the doctor, considering the type of disease, age, place, climate, and body constitution. No other medicines, except the ghee, are taken during the treatment. A strict diet pattern has to be followed as per the doctor's advice. After snehapanam, purgation is strongly recommended.
The Snehapanam is useful to the person with such conditions,

·         Skin diseases like psoriasis
·         Peptic ulcer
·         Urinary disorders
·         Gout
·         Chronic ailments like piles, constipation, etc.
·         Diabetes mellitus

During this treatment, we recommend fasting to our patients so that a good amount of energy is taken from sneha by their body. With an aim to nourish all the body parts, Snehapanam is given as a first therapy before performing other Ayurvedic treatments.

No of days :14

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