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Ayurvedic treatment for back pain in Kerala

Back pain is one of the most common and natural pain disorders experienced by a growing number of people today. This is a chronic condition that is identified by a continuous sharp or dull pain that you can feel over the lower portion of your back. This could be associated with stiffness, burning, tingling sensation with pain or numbness that goes down your buttocks to your legs.
Back pain is considered caused by tension and stress that you can feel within your muscles which give support to your spine. Ayurveda differentiated back pain and categorized it in 3 basic sub-forms or doshas that are namely Vata, pitta & Kapha. Such categories are used in classifying a patient’s body type which is otherwise known as Prakriti and his or her disease condition or vikriti. These are very important to be taken into account in order to find the best back pain treatment in Kerala.
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