Kerala Ayurveda medicine

Ayurveda is the specialty of long span of life and equalization for the body of a person.
It targets coordinating a harmony between the body, soul and brain.Diverse Ayurvedic meds contribute towards advancing health in an alternate manner.Produced using the pith of therapeutic herbs, Arishta is taken to expand hunger, improve assimilation and release dangerous waste out of the body.


Arishta is additionally used to treat individuals experiencing asthma, joint inflammation, epilepsy, stammering, deadness, iron deficiency, heart issue, liver issue, psychosis, gloom, sleep deprivation, back torment, loss of memory


Is another Ayurvedic prescription used to treat patients experiencing stomach related and respiratory issue.This home grown concentrate is additionally devoured as a general tonic for the body.The segments Lehyam is made out of are consumed by the body effectively.


Kashayam, additionally called Kashaya, is the most widely recognized prescription in Ayurveda. Kasahyas are set up in the wake of heating up a mix of herbs in water at explicit warmth. So as to acquire the best quality prescription, cured herbs are added to this at normal interims of time. Kashaya might be basic like a home grown tea or complex like a blend of hundred herbs


Is a home grown powder that can be put away for a significant lot of time without the expansion of any additives to it. Ayurvedic choornam is utilized for cleaning of teeth and in nasya (nasal) treatment.


Are of various kinds and each sort is intended to treat an alternate reason.Its back rub is in the same class as infusing of a medication.Practically every one of the elements of Thailam are consumed by the blood by the methods for a back rub.Subsequently, the harmed zones of the body are relieved.


Kuzhampu are treatments very like Thailams. Not at all like Thailam, Kuzhampu is gooey in appearance. It is mainly utilized in games prescription to fix the wounds. What's more, it is additionally used to treat individuals having torment in the body or joints and for certain magnificence treatments.


Rasayana is comprised of two words – rasa meaning sustenance and ayana significance travel.The treatment targets holding ideal execution of a body by supporting the harmed tissues and mitigating the development of new cells.
